
Webhooks are automated notifications that are triggered by specific events in a web application or service, such as a new user registration or an order confirmation. When the event occurs, the web application sends a message to a predefined URL, or "endpoint," informing a third-party system or service about the event.

Step 1 - Creating webhook

In the Data & Enrichments section in the query builder, go to Data Source and click Add webhook. Copy the displayed webhook URL and paste it into the location where the webhook connection needs to be made.

Step 2 - Select Mapping

After a successful connection, send a request (eg: complete the form), come back to Databar, and refresh your page. Once you go back to the webhooks section, you can see all the fields have been received and are ready for you to map to the columns of your choice.

Step 3 - Retreive Webhook Data

After the mapping is confirmed, send a request and refresh your query builder. You will see your mapped fields will appear on the table automatically.

Last updated